How much activity do dogs need every day?

For dogs, how much activity they need every day really depends on their breed and their personality, but maybe about 30 minutes to a few hours. It really depends on every dog.

Dr. Candace Lien
Crosslake Veterinary Hospital

Do older dogs have different exercise and activity requirements?

As dogs get older, they definitely have different exercise and activity requirements. A lot of times, they need more low-impact activities and even shorter activity lengths.

What are some side effects of dogs not getting enough activity?

Dogs that don't get enough activity can have side effects. One would be weight gain, which can really happen if they're not as active as they should be. Gaining weight and being overweight can lead to secondary issues, like arthritis, which is one of the prime examples. Additionally, dogs that aren't getting enough exercise can exhibit destructive behaviors and even have anxiety. Every dog is different though, so not getting enough activity might not be the primary issue of their anxiety. Therefore, talking with your veterinarian would be important if your dog has destructive behavior and possible anxiety.

Can you provide examples of different activities and exercises to do with dogs?

For examples of different activities and exercises to do with your dog, feel them out and see what your dog likes to do. This can include going for bike rides, hiking, long walks, jogging, and even some swimming for different dogs. Camping and indoor activities like using snuffle mats or playing hide-and-seek can also be great. I know my dogs really like hide-and-seek on rainy days. There's a wide variety of activities, and finding what your dog likes best is really important.

What if a dog is not wanting to be active?

If your dog is ever not wanting to be active and appears more lethargic, it can be due to numerous medical issues. It would be really important to contact your veterinarian if they're not wanting to be active.

How much activity does my senior dog need each day?

Senior dogs and their activity level can really vary based on their breed and if they have underlying health conditions like arthritis. A lot of activities they can do can be similar to younger dogs. You just have to tailor it to each dog and what they're able to do.

Dr. Candace Lien
Crosslake Veterinary Hospital

Why is it important to keep my senior dog active?

Regular activity, even for senior dogs, can help keep them at a healthy weight, help prevent muscle atrophy, and then help keep their joints mobile, even if they do have arthritis.

What are some fun activities to keep my senior dog happy?

Fun activities for senior dogs include a lot of more low-impact activities. So going for walks, swimming, different types of puzzle toys and snuffle mats, and then even just doing kind of more frequent short bouts of activity can be great for them.

Should I take my senior dog to the vet if they begin to be less active?

Taking your senior dog to the vet is great, especially if they become less active. There's lots of underlying health conditions that can make it harder for them to be active. And we do have lots of types of pain medications and supplements to help make your dog comfortable and continue to lead a long, happy, active lifestyle.

If you have any other questions, please give us a call at (218) 692-4400. You can also email us at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as we are able. Don't forget to follow us on social media: Facebook and Instagram